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AFMSA Selects CNF Technologies for Population Health Informatics Support

SAN ANTONIO – The Air Force Medical Support Agency (AFMSA) has awarded CNF Technologies, a San Antonio based systems engineering company, a contract to support them with Population Health Informatics. The award has a contract value of $1.8 million over 3 years

CNF will provide Assistance and Advisory Services (A&AS) in population studies, prevention, managed care, medical readiness issues, health promotion, clinical preventive services, customer service, and other health service-related issues, along with assisting Medical Treatment Facilities (MTFs) to develop process improvement measures as they implement population-based healthcare, including working with Health Plan Employee Data and Information Set measures, the National Committee for Quality (NCQA), the Military Health System (MHS) Population Health Portal, and Individual Medical Readiness (IMR) requirements.

CNF will support the MHS, the AF Surgeon General (SG), major commands (MAJCOMs) and MTFs as they shift their focus from intervention services to improving the health of the entire population through population health initiatives, by analyzing data/information from various sources, preparing documents, and/or giving insight for government officials to make timely and accurate decisions.

About CNF Technologies

CNF Technologies is systems engineering company offering a myriad of solutions in information assurance and cyber operations enabling government agencies and commercial companies to identify, understand, and mitigate security risks; assess and assure network and information integrity; and ensure compliance with DIACAP, NIACAP, and FISMA, as well as HIPPA, GLBA, Sarbanes-Oxley, and other regulatory standards.

Since its founding in 2005, CNF has utilized their expertise to deliver unparalleled, cost effective results and unmatched customer service. CNF personnel have decades of experience in network defense, intrusion detection, and incident response, as well as designing, managing, operating, and sustaining enterprise level systems. Clients include the Department of Defense, U.S. Air Force, AF Surgeon General, AF Information Operation Center, and 24th Cyber NAF, and Department of Veterans Affairs. For more information, visit CNF Technologies at

August 13, 2009 AFMSA Selects CNF