SAN ANTONIO – The Air Force Intelligence, Reconnaissance & Surveillance Agency (AFISRA) has competitively awarded CNF Technologies, a San Antonio based systems engineering company, a contract to provide engineering support with their project called the Integrated Network Defense System (INDS). INDS is intended to provide the integration of multiple cyber security technologies and capabilities into a single command and control system. The award has a contract value of about $12 million over 4 years.
CNF will be tasked to enhance and develop computer network data monitoring, as well as report, manage, and track capabilities. They will also be addressing the Air Force (AF) ever-changing intrusion detection and prevention system (IPS) requirements in support of the IA and information operations (IO) activities within cyberspace.
Under the INDS project, the 90 IOS pioneers multiple solutions to defend the network against various threats. One of their solutions, the Information Operations Platform (IOP), incorporates defensive network tools and services to support IA and information operations. Its functions include
real-time network monitoring, data management, forensic capabilities, documentation, reporting, data visualization, and intrusion detection and prevention.
About CNF Technologies
CNF Technologies is systems engineering company offering a myriad of solutions in information assurance and cyber operations enabling government agencies and commercial companies to identify, understand, and mitigate security risks; assess and assure network and information integrity; and ensure compliance with DIACAP, NIACAP, and FISMA, as well as HIPPA, GLBA, Sarbanes-Oxley, and other regulatory standards.
Since its founding in 2005, CNF has utilized their expertise to deliver unparalleled, cost effective results and unmatched customer service. CNF personnel have decades of experience in network defense, intrusion detection, and incident response, as well as designing, managing, operating, and sustaining enterprise level systems. Clients include the Department of Defense, U.S. Air Force, AF Surgeon General, AF Information Operation Center, and 24th Cyber NAF, and Department of Veterans Affairs. For more information, visit CNF Technologies at