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CNF Donates $10,000 and Even More in Sweat Equity during Habitat for Humanity Build Day

On Friday, March 31st CNF Technologies participated in its first ever Build Day with Habitat for Humanity of San Antonio and Guadalupe Valley – a non-profit housing organization that works in partnership with the community to build modest, decent, and affordable houses without interest or profit.

With a crew 25 strong, the enthusiastic team worked tirelessly to paint, build, and enhance not only one, but FOUR houses. This dedicated, hopeful, and selfless squad consisted of CNF professionals in every field ranging from communications and accounting to computer engineering.

Once consent forms were signed and paint was poured into trays, team CNF blasted music, rolled up their sleeves, and rolled out the walls painting everything from bedrooms and living rooms, to ceilings, doors, and trim.

CNF’s Senior Software Test Engineer Zac Brown said, “I believe the most critical part for any person’s success is their foundation. That foundation consists of how well someone is cared for, and is centered around how well their needs are met to include diet, emotional support, and by simply having a home. By helping our community through building houses, it makes one aspect of that foundation stronger today so we can create better people for tomorrow.”

After about two and half hours of serious painting, the team was thrilled to see their accomplishments and equally excited for lunch. During the break, CEO Freddy Ramirez spoke of Habitat for Humanity’s accomplishments and why CNF chose this organization to support. “We firmly believe in their mission of lending A Hand Up Not a Handout to low-income families who are willing to invest sweat equity and attend classes on financial responsibility. To know that a child in one of these homes grew up with enough stability to eventually become valedictorian of her class, go on to attend Stanford, and now is working on her Law Degree at the University of Texas is such a powerful story of what a home can do for a community, family, and an individual.”

After lunch, team CNF moved onto painting other homes, removing framing of patios and sidewalks, building porch rails, and cleaning up the four homes to get them ready for the next phase. After a long day’s work was complete, the team marveled at their accomplishment and decided the back pain and aching feet were totally worth it.

CNF’s Principal System Engineer Lacey Moss said, “Thank you so much for the opportunity to participate in Habitat for Humanity. I enjoyed meeting other folks in the company that I didn’t know and working with those I do know. It was fulfilling to know, each one of these houses could be a life-changing moment for each family that moves in. I also enjoyed meeting and working with the folks from Habitat for Humanity. It was great to be able to be a part of something bigger for the day. I hope we get the opportunity to contribute again in the future.”

Beyond the sweat equity, CNF also donated $10,000.00 to Habitat for Humanity.

We sincerely thank all who participated and look forward to supporting this great cause in the future.


To view our Build Day, please click the video below.


To learn more about CNF’s community involvement, please read about our CNF Cares program.

CNF Cares

At CNF we understand that small acts of kindness can contribute to major change and impact. Last year, we asked our team to guide our philanthropic efforts by contributing any ideas that were near & dear to their heart. We ended 2022 with personal and meaningful community connections. CNF supported two local Girl Scouts troops in advancing girls and women in STEM. CNF donated to Building a Purpose – a local non-profit created by a former team member that pairs students with mentors in their future career fields. Finally, the CNF & Ramirez Family Scholarship was created for engineering students at Texas A&M University of Kingsville, the alma mater of Founder Fred and Principal Roxanne Ramirez.

In the past CNF has volunteered time, contributed items, and provided monetary donations to several local nonprofits including the San Antonio Food Bank, City of San Antonio Animal Cares Services, San Antonio Zoo, Haven for Hope, and the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society to name a few.


To learn more about Habitat for Humanity, please visit