Market Insights

CNF Recognized as One of Cyber City USA’s Fastest Growing Companies

SAN ANTONIO 28 June 2018 – Large hats, colorful attire, and classy bowties, the 2018 SABJ Fast Track Awards was an immense success. CNF Technologies, one of San Antonio’s largest and fastest growing cybersecurity providers, was recognized for their spectacular 81% growth. CNF is a well-known employer of choice throughout the cyber industry and has maintained an impressive 95% retention rate since 2010. A trusted and proven Government partner, CNF supports our cyber defenders in solving the most complex challenges within the cyber domain.

CNF recruits, hires, and retains top-notch cyber professionals to rapidly develop and deploy cyber capabilities and technologies to enable the Department of Defense to achieve various military objectives in cyberspace. The owners of CNF, featured in the above picture, attribute CNF’s success and growth to their dedicated, highly technical and experienced employees.

“Our employees are CNF’s greatest asset. They are a fine group of cyber professionals that are passionate about what they do and dedicated to the mission they support. As CEO, I will ensure that as we continue to grow, CNF will maintain our employee-centric culture. Employee satisfaction equals customer success which reflects greatly on our company.”

-Roxanne Ramirez, CEO

About CNF Technologies

CNF is a top cybersecurity provider in San Antonio Texas. Applying exceptional expertise and extensive experience, CNF is a proven provider in developing, testing, fielding, sustaining, and employing Cyber weapon systems and technologies for Offensive and Defensive Cyber Operations, Cybersecurity Risk Management, and support to Law Enforcement and Counterintelligence operations. CNF’s rapid prototyping capability produces state of art cyber defense platforms enabling efficient and all-encompassing cybersecurity for Department of Defense (DoD) enterprises, information, and infrastructure.

June 28, 2018 CNFRecognizedAsOneOfCyberCityUSAsFastestGrowingCompanies