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Growing from Within – CNF’s Internship Program

CNF is excited to be hosting four interns from around the San Antonio area for the 2020-2021 school year. Over the years, CNF has dedicated numerous resources to the community and academia to discover and grow the next generation of cyber leaders. CNF currently partners with University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) where together they have established the CNF Cybersecurity Scholarship and Internship opportunity. CNF works closely with UTSA’s National Security Collaboration Center (NSCC) whose work advances research, education, and workforce development in the cyber forefront. Partnering with big universities like UTSA has always been a goal of Roxanne Ramirez, CNF’s Chief Executive Officer, but in recent years she decided she wanted to expand these internship opportunities to other local colleges.

“This year we are so excited to have interns who attend other Alamo Colleges like Palo Alto and Northwest Vista! We know bringing together great minds will only enhance what we do, and we’re bringing the very best from all our San Antonio schools together to achieve our mission of excellence.”


Andy Pilato, CNF’s Chief Information Officer, enthusiastically leads the group of interns each year offering as much cyber-related training as possible. To enhance the interns experience, and even provide additional education for professionals, the company instituted the CNF Cyber Certification Training Program. Interns and employees alike are invited to join in after hours, twice a week, to participate in cybersecurity, web development, CNF processes, and certification training such as Comp TIA’s SEC+.

“We are very excited about the assistance our interns provide.  As we train interns in cybersecurity and CNF operations, they are assigned tasks which allow CNF employees time to cross-train into career advancing, cyber-related fields. As a group, interns and employees meet in bi-weekly training sessions where they get operational and cybersecurity certification training. Currently we are studying for CompTIA’s Security Plus Certification with 3 new graduates thus far.”

The interns have been intergraded as part of the CNF family and as the operational team in day-to-day life of the company. CNF is focused on helping each new intern pinpoint their strengths while discovering new abilities. The company’s ultimate goal for each intern is to find the most fulfilling position within the industry. CNF is proud to eventually offer these highly trained interns professional careers, valuing who they are as a person and what they will grow into.

Click on a picture below to read about CNF’s current interns.


Click on the link below to read about past interns who are now employees.

Intern Today, Employee Tomorrow