Fall and the holiday seasons have always been times to celebrate at CNF. Good food, great conversations, and even better people can always be found at the joyous events. This year however, with the impact of the global pandemic Covid-19, CNF decided to take a different approach to the usual celebration.
Lead by CNF’s CEO Roxanne Ramirez, Operation Turkey was created to give thanks to each employee while prioritizing their safety. At CNF headquarters, a turkey pick-up drive was created where employees could safely receive their holiday meal while minimizing potential exposure to Covid-19. As each employee drove through to receive their meal, they were still able to see some familiar faces from afar and share their upcoming holiday plans.
“Each year we come together as a family and enjoy a hot Thanksgiving meal. We hug, we laugh, and we eat! This year we’ve prioritized the health of our employees and their families and decided the best way to celebrate is by giving each employee the opportunity to share a meal with their friends and family,” said Roxanne Ramirez.
Scheduled days and time slots were created to accommodate CNF’s over 150 employees, the majority of whom work remotely. Danielle Fontaine, Administrative Specialist, and Liz Vasquez, Human Resource Manager, coordinated communications with each employee while the c-suite team did the heavy lifting.
With employees across several states, Operation Turkey has organized a plan to have turkeys delivered to all out-of-state employees. Meanwhile, some local team members generously opted to donate their turkeys to the nearby food bank. Whether each employee enjoys a meal themselves or shares it with the community, CNF is happy to safely celebrate this Thanksgiving holiday.
“My favorite part of Operation Turkey was being able to personally thank our wonderful workforce. I enjoyed seeing old, familiar faces and even meeting new ones we’ve hired since March. This year, we are especially reminded just how precious life is and for that I give thanks,” said Liz Vasquez.