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So much more than cookies, CNF donates to local Girl Scout Troops to fund STEM activities

Instead of buying an unusual amount of cookies this year, CNF decided to support Troop 855 and Troop 885 in a different way.

Karen Davidson, a troop co-leader and CNF software engineer, responded to the company’s call for suggestions and submitted her request to the CNF Cares program. In January 2022, CNF announced a new philanthropic program where team members are invited to contribute ideas or suggestions that are near and dear to their hearts. The company’s goal is to make the corporate giving and volunteer program, CNF Cares, as personal and meaningful as possible.

Karen, along with some of the scouts, enthusiastically explained badges sewn onto the green, brown, and even blue vests. The scouts, ranging in levels from Daisy and Brownies to Juniors and Seniors, described activities they’ve completed like camping, building rockets, and even spending the night at the zoo. They also spoke about future experiences and ones they wish to participate in. After singing their anthem and posing for pictures, the girls and parents thanked CNF Board Member, Roxanne Ramirez.

Roxanne explained that a passion project of hers is getting more girls and women involved in the STEM fields. “When Karen submitted her ideas showcasing the opportunities for the scouts related to robotics, cybersecurity, and coding just to name a few, I knew I was all in! And what makes this donation even more special is that this organization is girl led with cooperative, learning by doing all while connecting to our community.”

In the past CNF has volunteered time, donated items, and provided monetary donations to several local nonprofits including the San Antonio Food Bank, City of San Antonio Animal Cares Services, San Antonio Zoo, Haven for Hope, and the Lymphoma and Leukemia Society. CNF has also engaged with the community through district block parties, CyberPatriots, and our internships and scholarships with UTSA and Alamo Colleges. CNF has enjoyed the partnerships and investments the company has made so far and wishes the girls in Troop 855 and 885 a wonderful learning year!

And don’t worry, CNF still bought plenty of cookies.

For more information on how to get involved with the Girl Scouts, please visit

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